Use Case Diagram Tutorial

If you are a developer you’ve seen the Use Case Diagram before and you were able to understand how the system works even without knowing about what use case diagram is or how to create it. That’s exactly the purpose of it. It ensures the requirements of the client is met. It helps to show the client, in an easy to understand diagrammatic representation, on how the system to be developed is going to work.

Use Case Diagrams are only a part of the UML (Unified Modeling Language)

Now you can learn to create Use Case Diagram in this series of video tutorials I found on web. The tool used in these video tutorial is “Visual Paradigm for UML“. There is a free community edition of the tool available for download too.

jQuery Video tutorial series for Absolute Beginners

When I was browsing through the interest I came across these brilliant jQuery tutorials that maybe helpful for absolute beginners. If you want to get started on jQuery straightaway start learning here at “jQuery for Absolute Beginners : The Complete Series”



jQuery is an excellent javascript library that will make coding javascript for your web applications far more easier. You can use different elements of your web page directly without worrying about traversing via the DOM structure. Another advantage of using jQuery is it automatically takes care of browser compatibility issues, so that you can focus on the logic rather than spending time trying to figure out how to make the same functionality work in different browsers. I use jQuery on most of the web projects I do.